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The Italian Heritage section on Life in Italy is a collection of articles that teach us about the cultural heritage in Italy. Everything from traditions, such as carnivals, food, art, architecture, and music.

Discover the Italian heritage that includes more than 2000 years of history, and everything that’s still reminding us of these past centuries. The famous buildings such as the Colosseum, the Pantheon, or the Teatro di Taormina, through the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, the New Ages, and the past century. Traditions are very important to Italians, and they pass over their collective and family traditions through the generations.

That’s how history and heritage are treated with respect and are kept alive in Italy.


Kate Hudson

Kate Hudson. Ph. tanka v on wikimedia To define Kate Hudson Italian/American is a bit of a stretch, but indeed she is 25% Italian from her grandmother, so even this beautiful young actress from Los Angeles can be officially listed as the large group of Italian heritage talents that work […]

Heritage, Video

Pizzica del Salento

The Pizzica is a traditional dance of the Salento, a region in Apulia. Beautiful barefoot women with long skirts and hair down dance as if they were trying to avoid the bites of a poisonous spider. Click on this link for more info on traditional dances in Italy.


From Lipari to Sydney

Follow the fingers of sun from the sky to the pavement where a lifetime of furniture waits to be tossed into a truck and trundled away. Ducking under a wobbling mattress I grab a couple of cases to add them to the pile as a clasp cracks open and papers […]


Video ( Salento Italy)

The music of Salento is the result of centuries of varied foreign domination, but more importantly, of exchanges with other Mediterranean cultures. Officina Zoe was born in the spring of 1993 out of a group of musicians from Salento with a common need to rediscover the traditional popular music of their own […]

italian american actors

Italian-American Actors

Is your favorite Italian American actor really of Italian decent, or just a convincing actor? Peter Falk, the dearly missed actor who played TV’s cunning inspector Colombo, used to do such an excellent job at imitating the Italian American sleuth that most TV viewers believe he was of Italian descent. In reality, […]


Italian Folklore

The Legend of Tarantella & The Dance of the Spider Italian weddings, festivals and celebrations would never be the same without the dance of the Tarantella. It proves highly popular, and excels high above all other great Italian songs. With its lively and graceful tempos the Tarantella Dance can be […]


Italian Genealogy

The Internet has made researching family history easier than ever and it has become very popular among Italian Americans. Not only do these services allow you to discover the past, but also the present as you can look up other branches of your family tree that have been out of […]

Heritage, Life & Style

Italian Surnames

  Names are important because they identify people, and surnames are doubly important because they also tell of the origins and history of a family through the centuries. In fact, researching your surname, also known as last name or family name, is an exciting way to learn more about your family […]