No one can tell you better than our elders how good and healthy having a glass of red wine with your meal is; now science confirms it.
Italian Food
Five delicious Italian Fall products
A well stocked larder and some recipes ideas are all you need to transform these long October evenings in something bright, fun, cozy and, of course, delicious.
Planting, growing and use of Parsley.
Recipe of Castagnaccio, a dessert typical of the Italian Fall, made with chestnut flour.
A type of pasta for every sauce
There is a type of pasta for every sauce, as it is more natural to mix some categories of pasta with specific ingredients.
The secrets of Sicily’s desserts
Luscious cannoli, refreshing granita and delicate biancomangiare: where else in the world would we find such a perfect mingling of history and flavors?
History of pasta
Pasta has a very long history, going back hundreds of years; here we look into pasta history, the difference between dried and fresh pasta, sauces and uses.
The Many Shapes of Italian Pasta
Not only spaghetti or maccaroni: Italian pasta, fresh or dried, comes in a variety of shapes, and every shape has its use, from soups to red sauces.
History of Italian Cuisine IV
The history of Italian cuisine is, truly, the history of Italy. It mirrors how the country has developed socially and culturally
The meat-like texture of porcini, along with their earthy and somewhat nutty flavor, is unequaled among mushrooms and lends itself to countless dishes.