One cannot think of Tuscany without thinking of the magnificent cypress tree, so quintessential and symbolic of the Tuscan landscape that it has adopted the name of “The Tuscan cypress tree”. Although this is a somewhat fitting name, it is however grossly incorrect as its real place of origin was […]
A History of Murano Glass- I
Venetian Glass: The Delicate Art – Part I A Murano glass creation (Rosanna Galvani/flickr) “The best glass in our time, that of greater beauty, more varied coloring and admirable skill is that made in Murano. It comes in all shades and its clarity and transparency are just like those of true and natural […]
Murano Glassblowing
Murano: The Method Behind the Magic Murano glass or vetro di Murano is magic, celebrated and revered all over the world for its beauty, fragility, the skill required in creating it, and last but definitely not the least, its history. Murano glassblowing is almost a religion, and collectors of Murano […]
Murano Glass
Murano glass: The Art of Venice The art of making glass has never been quite as entrenched in a place as in Murano, Venice. Murano glass first made its appearance in the 8th century, and despite various ups and downs, has managed to not only endure but also flourish in […]
Italian Gardens and the Olive Tree
The European olive tree (Olea europaea) has come to symbolize, more than any plant, the essence of the Mediterranean region and its gardens. Growing from 8 -12 meters tall in the poorest, rockiest of soils and depending on ferocious Mediterranean sunshine, the olive tree has truly won the battle of […]
Italian Sunflowers
The happy, almost human-like presence of the glorious sunflower is finally dwindling in the fields and gardens of Italy now that we’re approaching late summer. However, its happiness and sunshine can often remain in our minds for long into the winter months… Sunflowers in Castiglioncello, Tuscany. Ph. Borghy52 on […]
The Italian Herb Garden
The name itself suggests that an Italian herb garden should, in fact, be treated as a ‘garden’ and not just a dull area with a few dry basil plants struggling to survive on it… gar·den (gärdn) N. 1. A plot of land used for the cultivation of flowers, vegetables, […]
Low Water Gardening
Saving water in the garden is possible. Ph. There are many ways of saving water in the garden and many companies are now offering advanced silicon treatments and other technologically advanced treatments, but one of the simplest and most effective, organic methods by far is known to most of […]
Art Déco in Italy- I
We were taught at school that languages were divided into two broad categories: those that were generally defined as “living” and those considered as “dead.” The former were spoken in some part of the globe, while the latter were only studied, but did not constitute a means of communication anywhere, except under exceptional […]
Terracotta Decor I
Terracotta. Clay. Earth. Dirt. Soil. From such humble beginnings man created an empire. Bricks of clay built homes and tiled roofs and pavements. From the ground came plates, bowels, pots and containers of every shape and size which held food, water, and various goods. Ovens of dirt baked both bread […]