Author: Francesca Bezzone


Summing up Italy’s 2015

2015 is about to end and Italy has been summing up its achievements and losses. It hasn’t been an easy year for the world and neither has it been for the Bel Paese. In spite of an economical crisis that fails to end, an army of scoundrels leading the country and an increasingly […]


Grocery Shopping in Italy

You may think grocery shopping is a silly topic for an article. Farmers market in Venice (Dorli Photography/flickr) Well, it would be if I went on telling you about the difference between shopping in supermarkets and local stores or about the advantages of buying fresh and organic products versus highly processed […]


No to “Italianglo”

That I love the English language comes without saying: I graduated in English literature, I got both my masters degree and my doctorate writing in this language and, today, I work mostly through English. I read the news and a great deal of books in English, too, and I still speak […]

mafia capitale

Mafia Capitale

If you follow the Italian news you are certainly familiar with Mafia Capitale.   The scandal of Mafia Capitale has been keeping public opinion on the edge for over 12 months (CpaKmoi/flickr)   Even for a country used to scandals and corruption as much as Italy is, Mafia Capitale proved to be […]