If you are in London on the 13th of February and happen to have a penchant for vintage motorcycles, then you could try your luck at the Coys Motorcycle Show sale. Primadonna of the event will undoubtedly be Italy’s own Guzzi V8, a piece of motorcycle history and symbol of the […]
Author: Francesca Bezzone
Summing up Italy’s 2015
2015 is about to end and Italy has been summing up its achievements and losses. It hasn’t been an easy year for the world and neither has it been for the Bel Paese. In spite of an economical crisis that fails to end, an army of scoundrels leading the country and an increasingly […]
Grocery Shopping in Italy
You may think grocery shopping is a silly topic for an article. Farmers market in Venice (Dorli Photography/flickr) Well, it would be if I went on telling you about the difference between shopping in supermarkets and local stores or about the advantages of buying fresh and organic products versus highly processed […]
No to “Italianglo”
That I love the English language comes without saying: I graduated in English literature, I got both my masters degree and my doctorate writing in this language and, today, I work mostly through English. I read the news and a great deal of books in English, too, and I still speak […]
Ten signs you’re slowly turning into an Italian
Whether you’re a regular here or landed on this page after looking for something fun to read, you clearly like Italy – I mean, you wouldn’t have googled something on the lines of “funny Italian things” or “Italian habits” otherwise, right?! Be aware that having a soft spot for Italy can […]
Health and the Cities, the options for alternative diets
Rome is the city in Italy with the highest number of restaurant offering full gluten free menus. Italy has been catching up on alternative diets. TheFork released data confirming that Italians have been changing their habits. Especially when eating out. It’s about eating healthy. The cultural trend Two cities jumped […]
Mafia Capitale
If you follow the Italian news you are certainly familiar with Mafia Capitale. The scandal of Mafia Capitale has been keeping public opinion on the edge for over 12 months (CpaKmoi/flickr) Even for a country used to scandals and corruption as much as Italy is, Mafia Capitale proved to be […]
Italy’s trendiest flash mobs: the dancing Franciscans
The last, documented one took place about two weeks ago in Florence and the video, published as usual on social networks, went viral in a matter of hours: I am not talking of VIPs interviews or dumb acts glorified by the net, as it often happens these days, but of dancing churchmen and women. […]
Life in Italy, Life in the US: a comparison
My name is Francesca, I am Italian and I love my country, but I also happen to love the US a lot: while living and studying abroad (I did both my MA and PhD in Ireland), I befriended many Americans, who became fantastic friends, some of them so close I consider […]
Some tips when travelling to Italy as a tourist
Travelling as a tourist may lead sometimes to a series of inevitable mistakes that could often be easily avoided. If you keep them in mind, you may get much more from your vacation than you expect! Take a look at what you must avoid this year when coming to visit Italy, if […]