A fun video about Italians habits vs Europeans.
Year: 2020
Ground-penetrating radar technology finds ancient Roman city
If you read the news in the past couple of days you probably learned, thanks to ground-penetrating radar technology, archeologists got an amazing insight into Falerii Novi, an ancient Roman city some 30 miles north of the capital. Thanks to the use of ground-penetrating radar technology, archaeologists managed to map […]
The basics of Roman history… or Ancient Rome 101!
Let’s learn some basics of Roman history… or Ancient Rome 101, as the people at National Geographic puts it. For more than a millennia, Rome was the heart of the civilized world. Leader in art, culture, economy, science, military prowess, Rome truly was caput mundi, the head of the World. […]
Video: Skiing down Mont Blanc ( Monte Bianco)
June 2020 Skiing down Mont Blanc
Police violence in Italy
Police violence in Italy, US and the world This is an article I am not happy to write, but discussing police violence seems to be almost a necessity, considering what’s been happening in the US these past few weeks. In a world where human and economic priorities have been shifting […]
Video: Italians in the street for George Floyd
Italians in Piaza del Popolo, Rome to support George Floyd anti-racial movement
Long term rentals in Italy
How to find long term rental houses and apartments in Italy
Italians in World War II
Italians in World War II
Italy During WWII
The struggle of Italy during World War II
Italians in World War II
How Italian armed forces performed in WWII