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Life in Italy is now opening a new chapter in its journey. Here, on our website, you can find the latest Italian news in English, with daily updates on what’s going on in the country. If you’re interested in Italian news Today and stay on top with travel, culture, politics, pandemic situation, and everything in between, make sure to follow Life in Italy for the latest updates!

Follow with us the Italian politics, culture, celebrities, updates on travel and events. Everything that you want to know about Italy, possibilities, jobs, work, entertainment will be delivered right to you from Life in Italy!

If you’re planning a trip to Italy, or you’re just interested in one everyday happening, you are in the right place. We’ll keep you updated on the latest and most important Italian news day by day.


Italian Exercise: Find the Missing Word

Below you’ll find a popular Italian song: “Strani Amori“, by Laura Pausini.The last word of every line of the song is missing. Find the right word with the help of the English translation of the song. Answers and video are at the end of the article. Have fun! Mi dispiace devo […]


Phrases In Italian

Frasi tipiche: Imparare una lingua in sostanza, significa imparare a risolvere in tempo reale i problemi che si affrontano durante la comunicazione. Così, usare le frasi corrette è una necessità. In questa sezione troverete il modo di imparare parole italiane, divertirvi e migliorare il vostro italiano. Imparerete una serie di […]