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Italian Culture


The strangest museums of Italy

Strange museums: to understand why they exist, just think about why we like museums in the first place. Why do we visit them? Well, to see beautiful art – you’re probably thinking right now and you are certainly not wrong. We naturally associate museums, especially Italian museums, with famous art […]


Old games in Italy

Once upon a time, Italians used to play games that no longer exist; these games were often played in the streets, safer then, as there was little traffic and other types of dangers. Friends’ houses, bars or circoli – clubs – were the most common places where people met and gathered to […]


Traditional dances in Italy

If you were a teenager in the 80s and 90s, you’d certainly remember many disco music successes, most of them associated to a dancing style: famous steps and gestures, in vogue in the trendiest clubs of the country. Those years have passed and, with them, also the way we used to […]

Culture, Italian writers


The Influences of Shakespeare and Chaucer Before William Shakespeare and Geoffrey Chaucer, there was the man who both inspired and influenced much of their work: Giovanni Boccaccio. Boccaccio composed ground-breaking literary works during his lifetime that built the foundation for literature today. His poems and epics written in Italian and […]